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When you've suffered an injury or accident at the hands of another party, you have have grounds to file a personal injury lawsuit. Before the actual suit begins, you must gather all pertinent documents and all evidence concerning the matter. After all the evidence is gathered, contact a personal injury lawyer to initiate the case.
The majority of personal injury lawyers will seek settlement outside of the courtroom; the costs and time associated with legal fees and court costs often times exceed the desired settlement. As a result, in most situations the personal injury case will never see a courtroom, however, if the case goes to trial you are signifying your desire to push for a larger settlement.
A personal injury lawsuit is a civil case which does not involve a jury or an elaborate legal team. The case is overheard by a judge, and the inclusion of a lawyer, although recommended, is not mandatory. Both sides will make their case, offering evidence and witness testimonials to the judge. Upon reviewing the facts and arguments from both sides, the judge will deliver a ruling which will either dismiss the charge or require the defendant to deliver compensation for the injury.
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